Online music lessons will become available on Saturday, January 11, 2025, and all dates thereafter. Many kinds of music learning will be available, particularly theory, notation, and orchestration lessons, although Len will consider motivated students in piano-keyboard based music lessons as well. (Notice, he didn’t say Piano Lessons; he said Music Lessons. There’s a difference.) These will be held via Zoom sessions, so you will need to have a computer and access to Zoom. (It helps to have a piano too!)
To begin with, lessons will be individual only, and the rate will be $45 per 50-minute ‘hour.’ (It’s necessary to have some recuperation and preparation time between lessons, so each lesson begins at 5 minutes after the hour and ends at 5 minutes before the next hour.) You should sign up for at least one lesson per week, unless other arrangements have been made in advance.
Depending on how our individual lessons go, it may be possible to extend the format to group lessons as well, to keep tuition costs down. Stay tuned! (To coin a phrase.)
If you’re interested in lessons, please use the Comment box below to tell me about yourself: What kind of lesson are you looking for? What’s your music background, if any? When are you available for lessons, and what date would you like to start. (Please note, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are already pretty full, so be prepared to have your request modified if you’re trying for one of those days. Also note that I am available on weekends, and during Central Time evening hours.)
Please use the Comment box below ONLY for messages about lessons. Messages about all other subjects should be posted in the Comment box on the Contact Page.
In the box below, describe your musical interests and training, if any, and spell out in detail what you would like to gain from our Zoom lessons. We’ll be in touch. (Don’t list your email address in normal format, as hackers can use that to send you spam. Instead, use a ‘fake’ format like this: your name ‘at’ gmail [or whatever] ‘dot’ com. We’ll turn that into normal format to send you a reply.) If you don’t want your comment to be public, send an email to legendkeeper21 ‘at’ gmail ‘dot’ com. (Convert that to normal format before sending.) A reply will be sent to you as soon as possible.
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